As with any form of mechanical or electrical plant, after a long period of use, the condition of pool technology can deteriorate and eventually reach the end of it’s serviceable life. If the facility needs to remain open, this equipment will therefore require refurbishment to extend it’s life cycle, or it simply needs to be replaced. F T Leisure offers both of these options to all existing public swimming pools.

Initially we can carry out a survey for you, to give you some guidance on what remedial works may be required. All pool technology would be categorised into 3 areas:

  • A – Good condition and no immediate requirement for repairs or replacement.
  • B – Operation issues indicating the component has reached end of life and replacement/refurbishment should be considered.
  • C – The technology requires immediate replacement/refurbishment, either due to failure or it presents H&S risk to operators or bathers.

Our surveys are carried out by experienced engineers, with practical experience and a good understanding of operational issues.

If you’re interested in a survey on your existing pool technology, please don’t hesitate to contact our Service Team.