Spa and Wellness

A whole new experience

A spa experience needs to be perfect; anything less will prohibit relaxation and enjoyment. As with all our services, our spa water experiences are designed to guarantee comfort and safety for the bather. The quality of the spa fixtures, fittings and lighting will also be in keeping with the style and luxury of its surroundings. We deliver a bespoke design and build service for health suites in local authority leisure centres and luxury hotel and spa resorts.

The combination of hot and cold treatments presents many health and wellbeing benefits. Steam and sauna will cleanse the skin, stimulate circulation, boost your immune system, encourage healing of body and mind, open up the airways, help ease muscular and rheumatic pain and soothe, relax and detoxify.

Combined with relaxing spa pools, we offer the full range of thermal experiences through specialist partners.

Our range

Here's a sample of some experiences available, for mind and body wellness...


High temperature dry heat, inducing muscle relaxation


High humidity softer heat, stimulating blood circulation whilst relaxing


Using aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for healing and cosmetic purposes.

Monsoon Showers

A variety of different intensity and temperature showers.

Salt Steam

Creating oceanic atmosphere to ease respiration


Foot baths

Intense bubbles offer a reflexology massage to the feet, stimulating every pressure point

Our Partner

We work with TyloHelo Spa, Europe's leading thermal experience specialists.
The quality of their products and experience of project delivery is in harmony
with F T Leisure's offering.

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